
Friday, August 16, 2019

What do you see? 

What do you see, when you look
Into my eyes, my child?
Do you see a baby
With eyes full of wonder
As he sees everything
for the very first time?

Do you see a ten year old chid
Who hides under the bed
With that impish smile
Observes his frantic mom.
Or that frightened stare
Thinking he has been lost
In the crowd?

Do you see a teen-aged boy,
Devil incarnate, playing hooky
Experimenting with things
He should not touch?

Do you see a friend,
Husband, a father?
Brittle bones
Muscle ache
With wisdom gained
hroughout the years?

Hope you still see
Eyes of a toddler
Full of wonder
Ready for anything
As I am wheeled to and fro
My crumbly old chair

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