
Saturday, March 09, 2019


I enter your world  in the dead of night
When nothing can be heard except
deep snore from someone lost in sleep
I couldn’t care less, myself,  in deep
Slumber, my eyes probably moving
Rapidly, I’m sure.

I find myself inside your domain
with neither a ticket,
An invitation nor a wish to be there.
I do not know how or why but as soon
As light has gone to twilight, I open doors
To another world, mysterious, unexplained -

Pleasant, wonderful, beautiful, ugly -
Whatever is the flavor of the night 
Surreal, my body in flight, stoned
From the last stick of weed and I am lost
Victim of an unknown fate –

Until I am roused from sleep
And quicker than I have entered
I return to earth forgetting
What happened back there.

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